On 17 – 18 – 19 May 2019, Applicat-Prazan will participate in the Paris Gallery Weekend with an exceptional hanging in its Right Bank gallery at 14 avenue Matignon 75008 Paris. On this occasion, the gallery will be showing two masterpieces by Roger-Edgar Gillet (1924-2004), an artist defended by the great critics Michel Tapié and Charles Estienne in the 50’s, and later by Jean Pollak, director of the Ariel gallery.
On Saturday 18 May from 3 pm, Maître Emmanuel Pierrat will be at the gallery to sign his most recent book published by Calmann-Lévy entitled Les secrets de l’Affaire “J’accuse”.
On Saturday 18 May at 10.30 am, private tour by Maître Emmanuel Pierrat, curator in chief of the Musée du Barreau de Paris located 25 rue du Jour, 75001 Paris.